Thursday, October 19, 2006

Angel's addition!!

Well with a bit of emotional blackmail, guilt and cunningness, I've managed to convince my very cool brother Ashley and lovely sister Sasha that I should be on the blog too! Its a way we can keep track of each other and convince ourselves that other find our lives interesting enough to look up whats going on!!

So, Life in London is amazing! I love it! I have fantastic friends, a crusie job as a photographer in a studio in Richmond, I have a sweet as digs, (all with great flatmates included!) A calling I love with Stake YSA/Institue..

I do miss NZ and my fam, but for now.. this is home.


Giles said...

no its our pleasure to have you on ange, im excited for all of the wonderfulness you will bring, and you look totally hot!

Madeline said...

How long have you been over there now? it seems a while. Glad that everything is working out for you