Monday, January 16, 2006

The Landy Adventure

It was a cool black night and ben brought a new landy, so naturally, ash, mike, chris, mim (the random friend) and I decieded the only thing to be done was to venture to masetown.....

the raw power of the desiel landy was great, unfortunatly too much for the exuhast bracket which managed to work its way off.
fortunatly mike and ash are geniouses, and managed to brew together a little boatie meets macgiver coctail, and it held its own all the way back.

once we reached the deserted destination of mace town we were greated by a fellow landy driver and a bunch of rich townies, in their $70,000 dollar machine, we were not detered though, the landy continued on...

a few kms up the rever and we found a deserted mine complete with an orignal battery, not that i really know what a battery is, becuase it dident look anything like the one i use in my MP3 player.

After the battery everything else could compare, and as time, like always, wasnt on our side we headed back to civilization. with our guide enlightening us on the advantages of high country farms we made our way through some of the most beautiful scenery in the country.

on the home stretch our trusty driver decieded that the river was a much better option than the road, which indeed it was, untill we had to get back up a shingle mound, which infront of two smith wearing legacy drivers, the landy decided it didnt want to do. after three failed attempts we continued on our merry way down the river into Arrowtown centre.

And then she stopped.
Right in the middle of the road The Landy said no im tired and refused to move, and now she sits at the machjanics recovering.

We like to think of her as the Titanic, so powerful, undestructable, even God himself could not stop The Landy and so to humble us the brake line is locked and the fuel line needs bleeding, so in the meantime we continue to sing....

"In the Landy,
you can sail the 7 seas,
In the Landy....."

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